1911 Daimler TA12 Tourer FL 921
The Daimler 12 horsepower four-seat tourer that forms part of the Jaguar Heritage collection was built in 1911. As was the practice at the time, the model was actually announced at the 1910 Motor Show when the price list showed that it cost £375 complete. It was the only car to be offered fully built since the other six models exhibited at the Show were sold in chassis form only.
Unlike many other makers of quality cars, Daimler had built their own bodies from the earliest days and it was one of these that was fitted to the 12 horsepower car of 1911. It was the smallest of the cars offered by Daimler at the time, with a four cylinder, 1,706cc engine. At the other end of the range was a 57 horsepower, six cylinder chassis designed for use as a limousine. This chassis alone cost £900.
The Daimler 12 horsepower car itself appears to have remained in production for only one year, the company concentrating on larger engined cars from 1912. In this respect, it is typical of Daimler products of those years prior to 1914 when the motor industry, along with many aspects of commercial and social life would be turned on its head.
However, in Daimler history the 12 horsepower model was important as being one of the first production models fitted with the double sleeve valve engine invented by the American Charles Yale Knight. This engine was introduced by Daimler in 1909-10 and the “Silent Knight” engines were fitted exclusively to Daimler vehicles for a period of more than 20 years from then on.
Registration Mark: FL 921
Chassis Number: 7941
Owner: The Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust
Inventory Number: 8/D.06
Price when new: £375
Price: 276 Weeks Average Wage